6 Tips To Turn Networking Contacts Into Meaningful Relationships

  • The goal in any meaningful relationship is to give it depth.⠀

    Of course, not every networking contact has to become a deep relationship: We have a finite amount of time, energy, and resources. But when there’s potential to help each other in business and in life, it’s worthwhile to take the relationship deeper. And what people so often ask us is: How? How do you transform a relationship from the superficial to the meaningful without feeling awkward or stiff?⠀

    Here are a few practical tips:⠀

    1. Take Action Right After You Meet⠀
    2. Reach Out, Even If the Gain Isn’t Immediately Obvious⠀
    3. Remember Everyone Wants to Feel Seen⠀
    4. Let People Know You’re Thinking of Them⠀
    5. Go Beyond Small Talk⠀
    6. Find Their CDF (Chief Differentiating Factor)⠀
    7. Express Gratitude⠀
    8. Never Stop Being Curious⠀

    Leo & Loy ➖ Experienced recruiters and career coaches providing consulting services for individuals transitioning careers. ⠀

    ? leoandloy.com⠀

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