General Trends when Researching Companies


Of course, every company is unique, so while some things are more likely to be true at larger or smaller companies, it’s always worth doing specific research on a company you’re interested in to see if these general trends apply.

Adjustment 1 – Size: At Leo & Loy, we consider any company with more than 1000 employees to be a large company, but keep in mind that there’s a pretty wide range of employee head counts within that category.

Pros: You can count on formal processes and support.Expertise is a phone call away.

Cons: Large companies tend to offer less flexibility. Big organizations suffer from a lack of shared context.

Adjustment 2 – Momentum: Depending on your point of view, momentum can be safe and supportive or bureaucratic and restrictive.

Pros: Stable revenue helps big companies ride out tough times. Large companies have entrenched cash cows that generate a lot of revenue.

Cons: Every big company has a closet full of legacy skeletons.Inertia can negatively affect employee creativity and innovation.

Adjustment 3 -Career and Compensation: Don’t forget that your career is more than your past jobs, titles, and paychecks—it’s the summation of what you’ve learned and achieved.

Pros: Large companies are a great place to start your career as a new grad. Big companies tend to offer clearer paths to promotion.

Cons: Career advancement also involves more bureaucracy and competition. Big companies have a clear idea of how much your role is worth.

Leo & Loy ➖ Experienced Career Coaches with a recruitment background, providing career consulting services.


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